K-C Foundation

Foundation: Kimberly-Clark Foundation


When it comes to giving back to the community, Kimberly-Clark employees are especially good at it.

The company's philanthropic arm, the Kimberly-Clark Foundation, has distributed more than $46 million to more than 2,300 students in the US and Canada since its inception in 1993, with each student receiving up to $20,000 for full-time study at an accredited college or university, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

Among the recipients of this year's grants: four high school seniors in Wisconsin who will each receive $1,000 to study journalism at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, the Journal Sentinel reports.

The recipients of last year's grants: four high school seniors in Minnesota who will each receive $500 to study journalism at the University of Minnesota-St.

Paul, the Minneapolis-St.

Paul Pioneer Press reports.

And last year's winners: four high school seniors in California who will each receive $500 to study journalism at the University of California-Santa Barbara, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The grants are part of the foundation's efforts to "advance the well-being of 1 billion people in underserved global communities by 2030," according to its website.

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